This simple but surprisingly flavorful puree is a satisfying stand-in for mashed potatoes, and it couldn't be easier. There's no cream in it and only a...
My grandmother taught me how to make this recipe while I was a teenager working on her farm in the summers. For people that find the taste of pumpkin a...
Layers of fried eggplant, seasoned ground beef, tomatoes, and cheeses are easily thrown together and baked to delicious perfection in this casserole dinner...
This is one of my favorite quick and cheap recipes for vegetarian zucchini boats that originally came from another recipe I found. I have made it several...
Pumpkin Pie using fresh garden pumpkins. Best served barely warm, with freshly whipped cream on top of each serving. Use the remaining pumpkin puree in...
If you have lots of zucchini in the garden, then this is a great way to use them. It's different, but very tasty. It's so good that even my picky children...
Turn boring cauliflower into a delicious side when you top it with a caper and garlic brown butter. I like to cut my cauliflower into slices instead of...
I created this recipe to use up a bumper crop of zucchini and to get my kids to eat more fruits and veggies without them knowing it. It is a dense cake...
This easy side dish comes out super flavorful and juicy with a hint of sweetness from the balsamic. A perfect complement to a grilled steak, mashed potatoes,...
You can make this as a souffle, or for an extra treat, bake it in a pie crust and you will discover that it is the best pumpkin pie you have ever tasted....
I love this cake. Makes your whole house smell wonderful. If you can't find butternut flavoring, you can also use vanilla-butternut or a combination of...
Here's a vegetable casserole that's great as a summer meal. You might want to put a cookie sheet or something under this dish as it bakes, because it sometimes...
Bacon and maple are a match made in heaven. Now add in Brussels sprouts and you have a trifecta of tasty goodness. This Allrecipes Magazine recipe is based...
This recipe is one of many I have discovered to utilize the bountiful eggplant crop my garden has produced this year. The kids will even love eggplant...
This is for all the people who don't like pumpkin pie. I don't like pumpkin pie either, but this one's different. It's so spicy!! It has become a much...
Try this simple, melt-in-your-mouth, roasted spicy cauliflower, with just a hint of curry. Perfect as a vegan side dish or even as a quick and easy main...
This oatmeal quick bread has three sources of apple--apple cider, applesauce, and diced apple--with just a hint of maple flavoring. It's a one-bowl recipe...
Pumpkin sweets are popular at the holidays but really are yummy all year round! Try these pumpkin-oatmeal bars for a delicious mix between pumpkin bread...
Delicious, elegant, and flavorful layered eggplant dish. Wonderful presentation for guests! Delicious alongside pasta with fresh tomato and basil sauce....
This is the perfect Thanksgiving Day dessert! This recipe gives you the best of both words, pecan pie and pumpkin pie in one. It's delicious, rich, and...